Good Company
That’s not my schnoz on the cover of an e-book showcasing 700 “great photographs” from the Library of Congress collection. It’s George Washington’s stony profile at Mount Rushmore. But several of my shots made the volume, along with those of legends who inspired me, such as Edward Curtis and Dorothea Lange.
“Great Photographs from the Library of Congress” is a unique e-book that contains more than 700 extraordinary images from the Library’s Prints and Photographs Division, regarded by many as the world’s greatest collection of historical photographs. Covering a variety of themes and time periods, the selected images illustrate how the world has changed since the dawn of photography.
Included are examples from Mathew Brady’s Civil War classics; Edward S. Curtis’s photographic chronicle of American Indians; and Carol M. Highsmith’s color views from the turn of the twenty-first century; iconic photographs such as Dorothea Lange’s “Migrant Mother” and the Wright Brothers’ first successful airplane flight. A variety of themes and time periods are represented, from a turn-of-the-century color view of bustling activity on Constantinople’s Galata Bridge to a shot of the Hindenburg passenger airship in flames; from classic portraits of those who have changed the world—Abraham Lincoln, Helen Keller, and Babe Ruth among them.
Totally Epic!

I think back with fondness to each of the eight in-depth state studies we’ve completed as part of the broad mission of creating a visual capsule of our times for the Library of Congress. Looking at the Library’s Madison Council bulletin featuring some of my California images, including the now virus crisis-closed Yosemite National Park, gets the Go West itch scratching again! I am now much more than halfway done with our epic study of America. While I am home now, I’m trusting it will not be long before I’m on the road again.
Mighty Fine Company

Within its online catalog that has gathered together some of its incredible holdings of 15 million photographs, sketches, posters, and drawings, the Library of Congress has broken out just six Featured Collections. I am deeply honored that the Carol M. Highsmith Collection is one of them! Check them all out if you get a chance.
Digital Distinction

And speaking of a fancy neighborhood, our national library has also scurried in recent years to digitize not just its incomparable collection of books and maps and such but also photographs, going all the way back to daguerreotype days. In the Prints and Photographs Online Catalog, it singles out 21 digital collections of note. And I blush to tell you that my work made that cut, too. See for yourself when you can.
Long Run in La La Land

For six months, the nation’s premier photographic gallery, the Annenberg Space for Photography, exhibited images from the Library of Congress’s historic visual archive in a show bizarrely called “Not an Ostrich.” (You had to be there to get it.) I am proud that 48 of the 400 photos were mine, and a movie that ran throughout featured my travels and reflections.
A Whole Lot in Common

Creative Commons is a nonprofit organization after my own heart. It gathers a host of creative works that others may use freely, without copyright or royalty restriction. That’s exactly what I’m doing with my 52,000 images on the Library of Congress online site. Creative Commons kindly produced this detailed and lovely piece about me.
Roy Horn

Roy Horn, the trainer-performer of the Siegfried and Roy illusionist team that captivated Las Vegas for 14 years until Roy was tragically mauled in 2003 by a white tiger spooked by a loud noise, is gone. This time it’s no illusion. Roy succumbed to complications of the COVID-19 virus. I was honored that CNN chose my images, taken when I was invited to walk with him and Siegfried onstage among the white lions and tigers, as the featured photo in its tribute to this gracious and talented man who deeply loved the beasts he coached.
Bring the Museum Home

That’s not my slogan. It’s Meural’s. Founded in 2014, Meural has created customer-selected art and fine photography on rotatable “digital canvases,” surrounded by actual fine frames. I am thrilled that Meural is now featuring and promoting my images, including, recently, those of noteworthy American scenes as well as historic Route 66 in particular.
W3 and Me

A lot of you tell me you like this Web site. (Thank you!) And so do the folks who judge such things. At the 2018 W3 awards competition – the crème de la crème in the Web site field – the Bates Creative Agency (which designed the site) and I hauled in four biggies for it, including Best in Show. (Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!)
The Wave Success!

Only TWENTY — that’s right, 20! visitors a day are allowed to see, let alone photograph, this wonder on the Arizona-Utah border. Carol got her chance recently and jumped at it as a new jewel for her America collection.