Oh to Be on Prodibi

Prodibi Pixel is an online magazine that delivers a “weekly dose of stunning full-resolution images from top photographers.” I was pleased to be in that number in the edition that featured a veritable gallery of some of my faves, including this one of “Uncle Bob” Beringer, a historical interpreter at an authentic early-Texas sharecropper’s cabin on the George Ranch Historical Park.
Carol the Discoverer

The Discoverer,, a dynamic site that “transports you to far off destinations directly from your inbox.” It sends stories, images, and tasty little trivia challenges to subscribers . . . and now, blogs of my images and “road warrior” tales.
Grateful in Greensboro

I was born in a North Carolina town so small, it doesn’t exist any more! The closest place you’ve likely heard of is Greensboro, one of the Piedmont “Triad” cities. Our large Carter clan still holds reunions not too far away, and a crackling-good reporter for the Greensboro News did a fabulous story about me and my “calling.”
The Best of the Story!

Paul Harvey used to tell America “The Rest of the Story” on the radio. Since 2003, the nonprofit organization StoryCorps has been gathering full first-person stories from Americans of all walks of life, modeled after the oral-history interviews of the Works Progress Administration (WPA) in the 1930s. StoryCorps captured Carol’s recollections and reflections one day in Los Angeles:
A Charitable Gift

I was thrilled to receive support from the iconic Pew Charitable Trust to work in the state of Pennsylvania. I lived in Philadelphia for years and always loved the state. Now it will reside in my collection on the Library of Congress Prints and Photographs site!
I Gave Up at the Cha-Cha-Cha!

I’ve never met Doren Damico, a self-described “salsa-dancing philosopher poet” (or ANY salsa-dancing philosopher poet, for that matter). But Doren discovered me somehow, somewhere, and put together a thoughtful story about me, including many of my images, for her photography class and posted it on her beautiful Web site.
Ich bin ein Berlin Waller!

In 2015, Haverford College urban studies professor Paul M. Farber published a series of stories and photos commemorating the 25th anniversary of the reunification of Germany. Called The Wall in Our Heads: American Artists and the Berlin Wall, it included an item about, and my photo of, a piece of the Berlin Wall . . . and I didn’t have to go to Deutschland to get it! I took it outside the Wende Museum in Los Angeles which mounted an installation called “The Wall Project.”
Alabamy Bound

Bound, not ’cause I’m going there (I did that for several months in 2010), but because I’ll be forever bound to that fascinating place because it was numero uno on my documentary study of our 50 states. This is Alabama’s 200th year as a state, and it marked the bicentennial in a small part with a nice story about my visit and a couple of my Heart of Dixie photos, including this one from the metropolis (ha!) of Pine Apple
Minnesota Me

An innovative Web site called “Creative Chair,” which is assembling “an ever-growing collection of exclusive interviews with some of the World’s most creative people,” is spotlighting each of the 50 U.S. states with an interview in each of them. I’d be pretty far back in the WORLD’S most creative list, but Creative Chair snuck me under the wire in my home state of Minnesota!
150K! But Who’s Counting?!

Lots and lots of “likes” on just four images on my personal Facebook page. I so appreciate my Peeps who are my constant companions on the back roads of America! that’s me at a much younger age and me with my long braid.